i aGRee!!.................... mMmM I dOnT THiNK sO!

Sometimes giving an opinion is hard to do because we tend to say the first thing we get in mind, without thinking.

In a debate, we have to think how to give an opinion, and at the same time how to develop that opinion to make it valid.
This is a topic that we are going to start developing in our following classes, especially in the second semester.
Mr. Litman gave us some important points about how to prepare the appropriate atmosphere for debating, and how to do it, of course.

Without a doubt, having a debate every week will be something useful for us, because this allows us to express what we are feeling or thinking about a certain topic. Everyone always should have something to say, the problem is that sometimes people are afraid to say what they think for being rejected.

Do I KnOw MySeLf??? I dont

My friends and I spent 4 months in the U.S.A. we were working at The Balsams Hotel in the state of New Hampshire.
The experience was unforgivable and I think this changed us for the rest of our lives.

Instead of we were working there, we had a great time. We could meet a lot and amazing people that will be impossible to forget… and some of us fell in love too.

Before going there, I thought that maybe I was going to miss my family and my place, but I have to say I never missed anyone or anything from Chile.
I think that was because I already knew that I had to come back. :(

USA never meant something to me. Even I never wanted to go or live there.
Now I’ve changed my mind, I think, I BeLieVe that a country is because of its people and not of its president. And living there I met people who are the best friends I never could have met.

I look forward to going back to The States as soon as I can…………..4 real!!

My TuRN!!!.... PReSeNTaTioN!!!!!!!!!!!!!

All my classmates had already done their presentations. We were the last one because we were in The States, so we couldn’t do this before.
This time I worked with my friends, Paula and Tere.
Our topic was “Troubled Teenagers at School”. I think we did a good performance. We knew the topic and the information that we were talking about. But, nothing is perfect… we had some problems with the video. We had a video where was possible to see how these teens really are, but the equipment didn’t work. L

After our presentation, we went to the English laboratory to look for some news related to education. Every day there is a lot of information related to this topic, and now even more because students, teachers and authorities have lots to say.

All of us, as future teachers, we should keep updated on what is happening in matters related to education because everything that happens will affect us. And always will be better to know what is happening and then decide if we want to be part of it, instead of doing nothing because we didn’t know.

LeTs Go!... We CaN CHaNGe THe WoRLD!!!

Two years ago Students made a big revolution. They were claimed for the change of LOCE, and the way of how this law affects their education. They made such a big strike that there were days where the whole country didn’t work.
They could get to be heard and the government promised to make something to change it. This actually happened. It was created a new bill, which was approved few weeks ago. The problem is this bill, now law, does not cover all the point that they wanted to, thus students started to fight against this new law called LGE. They think that this law is the same old one with some little improvement.
In my personal point of view, I think that it’s too hard to change something really big as education. This is not impossible to do, but I consider it can take more than two years, maybe one decade or more, and lots of money as well.
A better education is more than changing a law, it is a way of seeing and putting up a country…

It was December. Two days before I’d left my hometown, Santiago. I was living this adventure with my 4 good girl-friends: Paula, Antonella, Katherinne and Tere. Everyone was full of dreams and expectations.
We spent two days in New York City. As Frank Sinatra said in his song “the city that never sleeps” but now we were going to the north, New Hampshire. When people asked me where I was going and I said N.H., no one knew where that state is. It is because most of people only know the most famous states like Florida, NY, California, Texas among others. So I had to explain where New Hampshire is.
Our two days in NYC were completely amazing. I have no words to explain what meant to me to be there. I am a big fan of sex and the city, for instance; so walking through those streets, taking the subway (what a dirty subway btw), made me feel like one of those 4 New York girls. And my friends felt the same.
In that moment we could walk a lot, even a day we were walking for 8 hours, non stop. Unbelievable, isn’t it?. That’s why NYC is a place where we have to know on foot.
We actually never felt tiredness. We were so happy of being there. We went to world trade center. It was something that we couldn’t NOT go. That place is full of emotions, memories. And I couldn’t stop wondering what I was doing when the planes crashed.
Anyway, when I was going to N.H. I realized that I was on my own. Instead of living this experience with my friends, I had to be able to live alone. This was the first time where I was going to be so far away from my family. But that didn’t frighten me, that made the trip become more exciting.
I just wanted to get to our place… the place was called Dixville Notch, I mean The Balsams… I didn’t know that balsams was going to change my way of seeing my life forever. And I was going to meet such amazing people, by the way.

I didnt know!

Chilean people enjoy talking about what others are doing wrong, and “we” are not able to see what we are doing worse. There are many many topics where I could develop my idea, but here I want to talk about violence at school A.K.A. “Bullying”
Few years ago, I thought that bullying was something that happened in a foreign country but not here… in Chile. Unfortunately, this happens in every school of our country.
My classmates, Claudio, Pedro and Fabián talked about this topic. And how important this matter is in our lives, because in one more year most of us will have to deal with this problem in our work place, and we should have some tools for trying to face it.
When I think about what makes a child to be an aggressor, and threatening the rest of the classmates, I start to wonder how the family is, and their role. Probably, the family of this teen has some problems, or the teen is not listened to by them.
I believe that teachers can give their best to try to avoid bullying at schools, but it‘s so hard to work if the family is not involved in.



I can’t believe the big day that I have been waiting for such a long time is now. Today is the day. I’m going to the famous and sometimes hated country "The United States". I have to say that when I was a child I never thought that going to that place will be something that I wish for. But through the years I changed my mind and I’m so excited to go there. This is something I have worked hard for all this year.
I have no idea what is going to happen, but I know this will probably be something that changes my live forever.